Fractal Audio Systems is proud to present FAR FIELD Session 1, an UltraRes™ Cab Pack containing 94 Impulse Response files in both SysEx and .IR formats. It features a variety of captures in “far field” configurations. In comparison to a traditional near field IR, a far field IR has a very different sonic signature. In the near field, sound waves behave in a complex manner and are hard-to-predict. Small microphone movements have a huge effect on the sound, making each individual IR less characteristic of the overall sound of the source. In the far field, the sound waves at a distance have grown larger and more consistent, with more “diffuse” sound even as you change positions. Since we normally don't listen to guitar speakers at very close range, far field mic placements can sound interesting and even familiar. Use far field IRs on their own, or in combination with other IRs. In this pack, the captures are labeled A through G, beginning as on axis and become increasingly off-axis.
This pack also includes the high resolution .IR files required to create your own original mixes in Cab-Lab.
NOTE: Please remember that sharing Cab Mixes containing these or any commercial IRs is illegal.
Speakers & Microphones
- 1x12 AC-20 based on a Morgan AC-20 Deluxe
- 1x12 Nuclear Tone based on a Swart Atomic Space Tone
- 1x12 Deluxe Blue based on a Fender The Edge Deluxe
- 2x12 Brown Super based on a Based on a Fender Brownface Super
- Crown PCC-160
- Crown PZM-30D
- Earthworks TC30
1. This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD product. Once your order is processed you will receive your download link via email within 1 business day.
2. There are no returns on Cab-Pack purchases.
3. Cab Packs require a compatible Fractal Audio Systems product:
• Axe-Fx III, FM9, FM3 • Cab-Lab 4 - FREE standalone application/plugin • Axe-Fx ii, AX8 • Cab-Lab 3